Application/Registration: Please reach out to the following schools to register your student for the Scappoose Online Academy (SOA):
- Grade 6: Otto Petersen at 971-200-8003
- Grades 7-8: Scappoose Middle School at 971-200-8004
- Grades 9-12: Scappoose High School: 971-200-8005.
Please tell the office you are interested in enrolling your student into the SOA. Once you have registered your student with SOA follow the easy steps on the infographic below to fill out the application at Baker Web Academy (BWA). Please click the image to enlarge it.
- New and returning students will fill out this simple form here that will give Baker Web Academy (BWA) the information they need to help you select your own curriculum, sign up for classes, and get set up on both systems.
- If you are unsure of what curriculum to choose, please view the Curriculum Guide or reach out to our curriculum specialist Ellery Garrison 541.200.4372/
For further questions and program support please contact:
Tim Porter, SOA Principal:
Chez Strachan, SOA Advisory Specialist:
Lynn Boyle, SOA Advisory Specialist: