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Public Complaint Policy

Members of the public, parents, staff and students are encouraged to make their concerns known to the district and to give the district an opportunity to review those concerns and respond to them.  Complaints about instructional materials, staff members, alleged violation of state standards or retaliation against a student or a student’s parent who in good faith reported information that the student believes is evidence of a violation of state and federal law, rule or regulation, should approach the principal and, if possible, resolve the problems at this level. 

Complaints about Board policy or administrative regulations should be referred directly to the superintendent.
Complaints against the principal may be filed with the superintendent. 
Complaints against the superintendent should be referred to the Board chair on behalf of the Board
Complaints against the Board as a whole or against an individual Board member should be made to the Board chair on behalf of the Board.
Complaints against the Board chair may be made directly to the Board vice chair on behalf of the Board.

When a complaint is made directly to the Board or to an individual Board member, it will generally be referred to the superintendent for evaluation and possible investigation.  A Board member shall not attempt to consider such complaints in any official capacity acting as an individual Board member.

If the person(s) having a complaint fails to resolve the concern with the principal or the superintendent, the person may request that the matter be referred to the Board.  If the Board deems it advisable, it may provide for a hearing of the complaint at an official meeting of the Board.
The superintendent shall develop administrative regulations designed to encourage the timely resolution of public complaints while providing a system of review which will allow both the complainant and other affected parties an opportunity to be heard.

If a complaint alleges a violation of state standards or a violation of other statutory or administrative rule for which the State Superintendent of Public Instruction has appeal responsibilities, and the complaint is not resolved at the local level, the district will supply the complainant with appropriate information to file a direct appeal to the State Superintendent as outlined in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 581-022-1940.

Public Complaint Form