• We would like to please remind everyone that we value and prioritize the safety of all staff, students, and individuals that enter our school. We ask for your assistance and cooperation in maintaining the highest level of safety by following our school building policy and protocol when visiting OPE:

    1. If you have an item to be dropped off or given to your child, please bring the item to the front office and it will be labeled and delivered to the correct place and student.

    2. If you are entering the building for a pre-arranged meeting with a staff member, or to volunteer in the classroom, all visitors must sign in and obtain a badge to be worn at all times in the building. Upon leaving the building, we ask that you sign out so we can have an accurate record of who is in our building for accountability purposes.

    3. If you are volunteering in your child's classroom, we ask that you pre-arrange a time with the classroom teacher prior to coming in so that our staff can prepare tasks to assist with and ensure that volunteer times align with the schedule appropriately. As state testing is just around the corner, we cannot have visitors dropping in without prior arrangement.

    We thank you and appreciate your dedication and willingness to volunteer for our school! You are greatly valued!